Reputable Bull dog Breeders, Reputable Britis Bull dogs Breeders

Animals in the World English Bulldogs

English, British, American Bulldog Breedings, Bitish Bull dogs Breeder, British Bull dog Breeders, French Bull dog Breeders, Brirish Bulldog Bloodlines, Britis Bull dog Pupies

English Bull dog Pictures and Bull dog Puppies Pictures

British Bull dog Photos
British Bulldog Photos
Photo Ambience English Bull dogs
Photo Ambience English Bulldogs
Images of Animals English Bull dog
Images of Animals English Bulldog
Images of Dogs English Bull dog
Images of Dogs English Bulldog

"The Ins and Outs of Pedigree Analysis, Genetic Diversity, and Genetic Disease Control,"Jerold S. Bell. D.V.M. (

GENETICS OF THE DOG, Malcolm B. Willis (Howell, 1989).

CONTROL OF CANINE GENETIC DISEASE, George A. Padgett, DVM (Howell, 1998).


BORN TO WIN, Patricia Craige (Doral Publishing, 1997).

BREEDING BETTER DOGS, C.L. Battaglia, Ph.D. (BEI Publishing, 4th Ed. 1986).

The Natural History of Inbreeding & Outbreeding, edited by Nancy Wilsem Thornhill. U.Chicao Press, 1993.

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